Everything You Need to Breakthrough to a Better You!

Certified in numerous self and team development assessments like DiSC®, Personalysis®, and TriMetrix® EQ. and the corresponding leadership workshops, we provide everything you need to breakthrough to a better you. We offer a variety of programs, such as effective communication skills, diversity, equity & inclusion, generational differences, change awareness, and leadership workshops like Dare to Lead™.
JDGAdvisors provides an engaging and approachable facilitator with experience in the coaching and development of others through skill-based learning in order to positively impact their growth.
Joni was selected and trained by Dr. Brené Brown as one of the first certified Dare To Lead™ facilitators in the world. The most significant finding from this research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. The Dare To Lead™ program focuses on developing these courage-building skills of rumbling with vulnerability, living into your values, braving trust, and learning to rise from failures.
Leadership is built and we can help you get there! if you are interested in open enrollment registration for you or a friend, you can click here. If you are interested in our corporate programs for Dare to Lead, you can click here.

Are you looking for an engaging and interactive speaker? JDGAdvisors provides keynote addresses, breakout sessions, and motivational presentations on the topics of gratitude, personal & professional breakthroughs, and women's empowerment to name a few. Contact us to learn more about our topic offerings.
Coaching is one of the most effective tools to take leadership development to a deeper and more sustainable level — whether it’s professional leadership coaching focused on the individual or coaching for your entire organization. At JDGAdvisors, we offer executive, management, and group coaching sessions. We expand perspective, inspire, and provide challenge and support like no one else. Coaching can help an individual leader, a team, or an entire workforce to unlock their full potential.